The Blogger Recognition Award

Once again, I need to give huge thanks to my dear friend and fierce blogger Rory at A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip for this awesome nomination.  This, along with so many more of his projects, is why he’s such an amazing person.  I’ve never seen someone work so hard at giving others recognition for the work they do!  I can never say enough nice things and I can never say thank you enough!

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.  Thank you, Rory!
2. Write a post to show your award.   Here it is!
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.  See below
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.  See below – and take it or leave it…it’s advice
5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award.  Or …some…I try not to burden too many
6. Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them and a link to the post you created.   Wait for it…..

How Finding French Charming Started:

Once upon a time in a land far away (Oklahoma – no, really, it’s a real place, and far away) there was a little girl who adored fairy tales.  She dreamed of a Prince Charming like she had read about.   However, this little girl didn’t keep her head in the clouds.  She was just as much about doing as dreaming.  She knew from a young age that she wanted to be a doctor, travel the world, live in a big bustling city, drive a fun car, and experience all that the world had to offer.

This little girl was able to achieve all her goals….but the dream of Prince Charming was ever elusive.  In fact, the search for him was downright torture at times!  In sharing the tales of sorrowful searches for the seemingly non-existent Mr. Right, the phrase “you should write a book” kept being repeated over and over.

Later on, after “Tinder”ly tripping over French Charming, (The serendipitous sleepless night) realizing fairy tales do exist and dreams do come true, the phrase was again repeated, but this time with an air of hope and excitement! “You should write a book!”

A book seemed too daunting of a task.  A friend mentioned blogging which seemed much more easy to fit into her lifestyle.  What she didn’t realize she would gain from starting a blog, was a community of friends and supporters!  While it’s not happily ever after….yet, as the story continues…it truly is a story of life and how dreams do come true.

Two Pieces of Advice to New Bloggers

You do you!  If you have your idea for your blog…run with it!  You can always make adjustments along the way.  If you never start because you’re trying to make it perfect…you will never know how good it can be.

Don’t worry about followers – if you build it, they will come!  The more you interact with fellow bloggers (not just hitting “like”) the more they will interact with you and see what you are all about.  We are all here “selling our wares” so to speak, but we are all different and friendly and wishing success to everyone!

Bloggers I Wish To Recognize:

Sorry, I would love to nominate ALL of you…but you would hate me and stop reading my blog!

Aphorism With Abhishek

Beautifully Eurasian

Eerie Unsolved

Cinnamon Buns and Roses

Josh Across the Universe

To Cut a Short Story Short

I’m going to cut it off there as I may have some other posts coming to nominate more…..duh duh duh!

As I always say, there is no obligation to participate, no deadline for completion.  Please just think of this as my way of saying “hey, I dig your blog and want to share it!”



26 thoughts on “The Blogger Recognition Award

      1. Yes, It is true for everyone. Strangely, I am often more interested about the mischievous side of a person… That’s often what makes them very special. That’s the ugly truth. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

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